Saturday, February 18, 2006

Gay Marriage in New Jersey? You betcha!!

I've been studying the tea leaves and I'm gonna go out on a limb and predict that within a year, gay couples in NJ will have the legal option to marry. Further, I believe it may happen as early as this summer. Wouldn't that be something? Me and Greg could actually tie the not official-like. I get giddy just thinking about it!!
Then again, I could be wrong?
Stay tuned.

Here's a pic of me (left) with the man I'd marry if I could. Don't we look normal?
(Top image Courtesy Steve Sack)


Sharon GR said...

See, I worry about labels like "normal." Doesn't that seem to be something people say after you've been arrested for quintuple homicide and a bizarre crime spree stealing lawn gnomes- "But he seemed so normal." :)

I will say that you do look happy. I hope your prediction is right, and everyone who wants to marry, can.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay! I have to agree with you. My feeling is that this court will not shy away from making a strong statement for what it believes is right.

Greg is cute! You guys make a nice couple. Wanna have a double wedding?

jay lassiter said...

Now quit it boys, ya'll making me blush!
ben heller, you're quite irresistable yourself.
And yes rich, we should have a big massive gay wedding in trenton.

Redzilla said...'re like the poster kids for gay marriage. I sure hope you're right, because I like to imagine just this avalanche of legalization building up to counteract all the hateful ban laws some states are trying to put in place.