Friday, November 10, 2006

Veteran's Day Plans to Honor Vets, end the War

I'll never forget the first time I learned about the Toy Soldier project while listening to NPR one morning before work.

Chicago Public Radio:
And now a story about an unusual anti-war protest. Tiny green plastic soldiers are showing up all over Chicago. A sticker on each figure pleads, `Bring me home.' NPR's Jason DeRose found the woman who's leaving those soldiers in bookstores and cafes....

This protest idea stopped me dead in my tracks. I went straight to the dollar store, picked up a few bags-o-plastic toys & a Sharpie and I was off to the races.

What I'm trying to say is this: there are no original ideas, just good or bad ones. Some ideas are so good that they're worth emulating and passing on. This is one of them.

Since I first picked up on this idea last spring, nearly 20 bloggers have taken up the call and turned this idea into a bona fide movement. My buddy Kvatch at Blognnomous even gave the toy soldiers their own blog:
The Kommandos Project started when Kvatch decided to go national with the idea in order celebrate his own blog's one year anniversary. That was in May. Since then, dozens of bloggers all over the nation have deployed thousands of these little guys, with major protests being held on Memorial Day and Independence Day.
And now we're going to show our support for the troops and for an end to the Iraq War with a Veteran's Day Protest.

(picture is of me in front of Philly's Liberty Bell last spring. Do I look pissed? You bet it do!)

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