Wednesday, October 25, 2006

NJ Supreme Court rules Vermont Style

Gays in New Jersey can go to the, umm, middle of the bus. Today's ruling on gay marriage equality was a split vercit. A draw. The dreaded sister kiss. (Not sure if that last metaphor flies in this context, but you get the point.)

My other blog, blue jersey reports in detail:

The NJ Supreme Court issued its long-awaited decision in the marriage equality case, finding that New Jersey's State Constitution requires equal rights for all - but, left it to the legislature to decide what to call it.

You can read the NJ Supreme Court's entire decision here (well, once the site traffic dies down), but the short version is: New Jersey has become the 4th state in the nation to recognize that same-sex couples are entitled to all the same rights of marriage (joining Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut), but has come short (so far) of becoming the 2nd state (after Massachusetts) to recognize full marriage equality. That decision is in the hands of the legislature.

The decision had been eagerly awaited by gay rights groups and progressive supporters of equality, many of whom will be (sortof) celebrating tonight at 7p in Montclair at the Unitarian Church of Montclair, 67 Church St., Montclair, NJ.

Some good news in the fight for equality - it's about time - but still a ways to go!

So there you have it. The fight rages on. We will not lose. This is the single biggest civil rights issue of this generation and we will grind out the victory no matter what it takes.

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