Saturday, November 29, 2008


I am thankful for my new Congressman John Adler who will go to Washington and stick up for what I care about. I am especially grateful that I was a part of the team that got Adler elected. It's very satisfying to play -- and win -- on your own home turf.

What's got you counting your blessings?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Comeback

I've been away since April doing some campaign consulting work (we won! I have a new Congressman, YAY!)  

It was a great experience I would never trade but it meant kinda subverting my opinions for a while.  It's a professional courtesy in the business, I reckon.  

So the election is over and I'm working myself back into the routine.  Which means tapping out a few paragraphs on the keyboard to get the feel back.  

I'm sure it won't be long before I rediscover how fun it is to have a soapbox.

PROP 8 Protest in Philly

Nothing like a little activism to go with a lovely day!
Marriage Equality NO ON 8 protest - Philadelphia (HD Version) from Speck on Vimeo.