Sunday, September 17, 2006

Bright forcast for Achillesville

Every since I had the big Achilles rupture last August, I've encountered nothing but complications and headaches. Fresh out of my second surgery the other day, I 'm now confident I finally know what the problem was.

According to my new orthopedic surgeon, there was a 12-inch-long piece of teflon-coated gauze sewn up in my foot during the original Achilles repain last September. In other words, I had a foot-long headache implanted in my left heel which had been there for over a year, causing me all these problems. Normally, a full recovery from this injury takes about 3 months.

After the gauze gets back from the lab (where it's being tested for God knows what, an infection perhaps) I'm having it made into a papeweight for my desk. Honestly, I'm just glad to be in the road to bipedalism again. It's been almost 14 months since the original accident and I am ready for a life where tennis and after-dinner walks will again figure prominently.

If you know a good lawyer or if you have a crazy medical story to tell, feel free to share in the comments section!!
(Image of me and my nephew Chase, one week post-op, courtesy of my brother Adam. click to enlarge.)

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